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Nizar Taki MD

Nizar Taki, March 5 2021

Roscoe's Wetsuit Neuro #96:  Exploring Consciousness

I just had an amazing conversation with my great friend Dr. Elena Buglo on my friend Toby Pasman's podcast.

Elena is a neuroscience Ph.D. and neurogeneticist. She is one of those rare people who can effortlessly bridge the gap between science and spirituality. Topics we covered ranged from whether consciousness is created by the brain, how ego and the split brain are related, and what role psychedelics have in understanding consciousness.

Roscoe's Wetsuit Neuro podcast is the brainchild of my friend Toby Pasman, a neuromodulation / neurostimulation expert who knows how to ask all the right questions. On his show he goes deep with scientific researchers, music artists, and other really interesting people 

Want to continue the converstation? DM me @taki_md


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Written by

Nizar Taki

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