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Nizar Taki MD

I've been passionate about learning about the mind, spirituality, and personal development for almost 20 years. The following is a partial list of books I've read, digested, and incorporated into my worldview. Each book has been an instrumental part of my journey and has shaped my life and coaching in some way.

I recommend you read any of these books that calls to you, and ask me any questions that come up.  


  1. 12 Rules for Life - Jordan Peterson
  2. The 28 Laws of Attraction - Thomas Leonard
  3. 48 Laws of Power - Robert Greene
  4. 48 Laws of Seduction - Robert Greene
  5. The Alabaster Girl - Zan Perrion
  6. The Alchemist - Paulo Coehlo
  7. Alchemy - Paul Selig
  8. The Aleph - Paulo Coehlo
  9. Answer to Job - Carl Jung
  10. Architecture of Being - Alan Faena
  11. As You Are - Nick Sparks
  12. Ask and it is Given - Esther Hicks
  13. Autobiography of a Yogi - Paramahansa Yogananda
  14. Awareness - Anthony De Mello
  15. Beyond Biocentrism - Robert Lanza MD
  16. Biocentrism - Robert Lanza MD
  17. Body by Science - Doug McGuff MD
  18. Bold - Peter Diamandis
  19. The Book of Love and Creation - Paul Selig
  20. The Book of Mastery - Paul Selig
  21. The Breakthrough Experience - Dr. John Demartini
  22. Breath - James Nestor
  23. A Brief Tour of Higher Consciousness - Itzhak Bentov
  24. Caffeine Blues - Steven Cherniske
  25. The Celestine Prophecy - James Redfield
  26. Chaos Magick - Anousen Leonte
  27. The Checklist Manifesto - Atul Gawande
  28. Childhood Abuse, Body Shame, and Addictive Plastic Surgery - Mark Constantian MD
  29. The Complete James Bond Lifestyle Seminar - Paul Kyriazi
  30. Counterfeit Gods - Timothy Keller
  31. Creator - Steve Chandler
  32. Deep Work - Cal Newport
  33. Designing Your Life - Bill Burnett & Dave Evans
  34. Digital Minimalism - Cal Newport
  35. The Divided Mind - John Sarno MD
  36. Double Your Dating - David DeAngelo
  37. Dream Yoga - Andrew Holecek
  38. Dying to be Me - Anita Morjani
  39. Easy Way to Stop Smoking - Allen Carr
  40. Eat that Frog - Brian Tracy
  41. Egregores - Mark Stavish
  42. El Morya - Sharon Stewart
  43. The Emotion Code - Bradley Nelson
  44. Essentialism - Greg McKeown
  45. Far Journeys - Robert Monroe
  46. Feeling Good - David Burns
  47. A Field Guide to Earthlings - Ian Ford
  48. Four Thousand Weeks - Oliver Burkeman
  49. The Freedom of Self-Forgetfulness - Timothy Keller
  50. Finite and Infinite Games - James Carse
  51. The Four Hour body - Timothy Ferris
  52. The Four Hour Workweek - Timothy Ferris
  53. Getting Things Done - David Allen
  54. The Gene Keys - Richard Rudd
  55. Goethe's Theory of Colors - Johan Wolfgang von Goethe
  56. Head Strong - Dave Asprey
  57. Homo Deus - Yuval Noah Harari
  58. How to Know Higher Worlds - Rudolf Steiner
  59. How to Live on 24 Hours a Day - Arnold Bennett
  60. How to Make Sh*T Happen - Sean Whalen
  61. How to Stop Worrying and Start Living - Dale Carnegie
  62. How to Talk to Anyone - Leil Lowndes
  63. The Human Design System - A Complete Guide
  64. I Am the Word - Paul Selig
  65. The Impersonal Life - Joseph Benner
  66. In Search of the Pearl - Sydney Banks
  67. Initiation by Elisabeth Haicht
  68. Instant Motivation - Chantal Burns
  69. The Kingdom - Paul Selig
  70. The Inside Out Revolution - Michael Neil
  71. Journeys out of Body - Robert Monroe
  72. The Joy of Selling - Steve Chandler
  73. King, Warrior, Magician, Lover - Robert Moore
  74. The Kybalion - Three Initiates
  75. The Law of One - Don Elkins and Carla Reukert
  76. The Lean Startup - Eric Ries
  77. Life on Earth - Mike Dooley
  78. The Little Book Clarity - Jamie Smart
  79. Man's Guide to Psychology - Mark Derian
  80. Manage Your Day-to-Day
  81. Many Lives Many Masters - Brian Weiss
  82. he Master and His Emissary - Iain McGilchrist
  83. Mastermind - Maria Konnikova
  84. The Missing Link - Sydney Banks
  85. Modello - Jack Pranksy
  86. Money is My Friend - Phil Laut
  87. MoneyLove - Jerry Gillies
  88. The Most Important Thing Illuminated - Howard Marks
  89. The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know Is Possible - Charles Eisenstein
  90. The Motivation Manifesto - Brendon Burchard
  91. The Multi-Orgasmic Man - Mantak Chia
  92. My Stroke of Insight - Jill Bolte Taylor PhD
  93. Network of Thought - J. Krishnamurti
  94. Never Eat Alone - Keith Ferrazzi
  95. A New Earth - Eckhart Tolle
  96. A New Guide to Rational Living - Albert Ellis & Robert Harper
  97. No B.S. Time Management for Entrepreneurs -Dan Kennedy
  98. The One Thing - Gary Keller
  99. The Only Investment Guide You'll Ever Need - Andrew Tobias
  100. Organize Tomorrow Today - Jason Selk & Tom Bartow
  101. The Origin of Consciousness In the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind - Julian James
  102. Outwitting the Devil - Napoleon Hill
  103. Overcoming Underearning - Barbara Stanny
  104. Parallel Universes of Self - Frederick Dodson
  105. The Perfect Matrimony - Samuel Aun Weor
  106. The Perfect Week Formula - Craig Ballantyne
  107. The Power of Flow - Charlene Belitz
  108. The Power of Urgency - William Keiper
  109. Power vs. Force - David Hawkins MD PhD
  110. Proof of Heaven - Eben Alexander
  111. The Prosperous Coach - Steve Chandler & Rich Litvin
  112. The New Psychocybernetics - Maxwell Maltz MD
  113. Personal Power - Tony Robbins
  114. Playing the Matrix - Mike Dooley
  115. The Power of Habit - Charles Duhigg
  116. The Power of Now - Eckhart Tolle
  117. Prosperity Consciousness - Frederick Dodson
  118. Raw Eating - Aterhov
  119. Reality Transurfing - Vadim Zeland
  120. Reality Unveiled - Ziad Masri
  121. Reinventing Yourself - Steve Chandler
  122. The Relationship Handbook - George Pransky
  123. The Renaissance of Psychology - George Pranksy
  124. Sapiens - Yuval Noah Harari
  125. Same Soul, Many Bodies - Brian Weiss
  126. Second Chance - Sydney Banks
  127. The Self-Actualizing Cosmos - Ervin Lazlo
  128. The Selfish Gene - Richard Dawkins
  129. Sell or Be Sold - Grant Cardone
  130. Sex Matters - Osho
  131. Show Your Work - Austin Kleon
  132. So Good They Can't Ignore You - Cal Newport
  133. Spark Joy - Marie Kondo
  134. Stalking the Wild Pendulum: On the Mechanics of Consciousness - Itzhak Bentov
  135. Super Accelerated Living - Bentinho Massaro
  136. Stumbling Across Happiness - Dan Gilbert
  137. Superbetter - Jane McGonigal
  138. Sweet Sharing - Ankush Jain
  139. Synchronicity - Carl Jung
  140. Tao Te Ching - Laozi
  141. Thanks for the Feedback - Douglas Stone & Sheila Heen
  142. Think and Grow Rich - Napoleon Hill
  143. The Three Laws of Performance - Steve Zaffron & Dave Logan
  144. The Tibetan Book of the Dead
  145. Time Warrior - Steve Chandler
  146. Total Recall - Arnold Schwarzenegger
  147. Transcending the Levels of Consciousness - David Hawkins
  148. Tufti the Princess - Vadim Zeland
  149. The Ultimate Coach - Alan Thompson & Amy Hardison
  150. Ultimate Journey - Robert Monroe
  151. Unshakeable - Anthony Robbins
  152. The User Illusion - Tor Nørretrander
  153. The Venusian Arts Handbook - Erik von Markovik
  154. The Way of Mastery
  155. Way of the Superior Man - David Deid
  156. The Way of the Seal - Mark Divine
  157. Ways of Attending - Iain McGilchris
  158. Wealth Warrior - Steve Chandle
  159. The Wheel of Life - Elisabeth Kubler-Ross
  160. Wholeness and the Implicate Order - David Bohm
  161. Why Hospitals Should Fly - John Nance
  162. The Willpower Instinct - Kelly McGonigal PhD
  163. Work Clean - Dan Charnas
  164. You are a Badass - Jen Sincero
  165. Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance - Robert Pirsig